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产品展示 >> Shell Turbo T 32- 46- 68-100壳牌多宝T涡轮机油
Shell Turbo T 32- 46- 68-100壳牌多宝T涡轮机油详细说明 (浏览1227次)


Shell Turbo T 32- 46- 68-100


壳牌多宝Turbo T  32- 46- 68-100高品质工业蒸汽和天然气 涡轮机油 壳牌涡轮机油吨已长期被视为行业标准的涡轮 油。 在此基础上的声誉,壳牌涡轮机油吨已被开发 提供改进的性能能够满足最要求的 现代的蒸汽涡轮机系统和轻型燃气轮机,其不需要 增强抗磨损性能的变速箱。 壳牌涡轮机油T分别 从高品质加氢基础油和组合配方 无锌添加剂,提供优异的氧化稳定性,保 防止生锈和腐蚀,低发泡和优良的抗乳化性.

Shell Turbo Oils T High Quality Industrial Steam & Gas Turbine Oils Shell Turbo Oils T have long been regarded as the industry standard turbine oil. Building on this reputation, Shell Turbo Oils T have been developed to offer improved performance capable of meeting the demands of the most modern steam turbine systems and light duty gas turbines, which require no enhanced anti-wear performance for the gearbox. Shell Turbo Oils T are formulated from high quality hydrotreated base oils and a combination of zinc-free additives that provide excellent oxidative stability, protection against rust & corrosion, low foaming and excellent demulsibility. Applications Shell Turbo Oils T are available in ISO grades 32, 46, 68 & 100 suited for application in the following areas:  Industrial steam turbines & light duty gas turbines which require no enhanced anti-wear performance for the gearbox  Water turbine lubrication  Compressor applications  Numerous applications where strong control over rust and oxidation is required Features and Benefits  Strong Control of Oxidation The use of inherently oxidatively stable base oils together with an effective inhibitor package provides high resistance to oxidative degradation. The result is extended oil life, minimising the formation of aggressive corrosive acids, deposits and sludge, reducing your operating costs.  High Resistance to Foaming and Rapid Air Release The oils are formulated with a non-silicone anti-foam additive, which generally controls foam formation. This feature coupled with fast air-release from the lubricant reduces the possibility of problems such as pump cavitation, excessive wear and premature oil oxidation, giving you increased system reliability.  Positive Water-shedding properties Robust demulsibility control such that excess water, common-place in steam turbines, can be drained easily from the lubrication system, minimising corrosion and premature wear. Lowering the risk of unplanned maintenance.  Excellent Rust & Corrosion Protection Prevents the formation of rust and guards against onset of corrosion ensuring protection for equipment following exposure to humidity or water during operation and during shut-downs, minimising maintenance.  Resistant to reaction with ammonia The use of highly refined base oils and specific additives, resistant to attack by ammonia, minimises the possibility of damaging oil soluble/insoluble ammonia compounds being formed in the lubricant. Shell Turbo Oils T mitigates the formation of these deposits, which could impair the reliable operation of bearings and seal oil systems.

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