美孚 SHC™润滑脂 460 WT
美孚 SHC™ 润滑脂 460 WT是一种高性能的优质润滑剂,尤其适用于风力发电机在极端温度环境中运行的严苛要求。 本产品采用独特配方,以合成基础油加上高质量复合锂皂基配制而成。 合成基础油的无蜡性质和低牵引系数提供出色的低温泵送性和很低的起动及运转扭矩。 复合锂皂基则提供出色的粘附性、结构稳定性和抗水性。 该润滑脂具有高度的化学稳定性,采用特殊的添加剂组合配方,在高温和低温条件下提供出色的防磨损、防锈和防腐蚀保护。
美孚 SHC 润滑脂 460 WT经特别配方调制,专门用于润滑风力发电机偏航系统、变浆系统及主轴承的润滑,已成为许多风力发电机制造厂和部件供应商用于初装的首选产品。 本产品因其优秀的质量和可靠性而享有出色的声誉,在全世界超过10,000台风力发电机的成功应用,证明了其卓越的性能。
美孚 SHC™ 品牌润滑油和润滑脂的创新配方和杰出性能在全世界得到公认。 埃克森美孚产品开发中的一个关键因素是与主要原始设备制造商(OEM) 建立密切合作,保证产品在面对不断发展的工业设备设计而具有出色的性能。
为了适应严酷的应用条件, 美孚 SHC 润滑脂 460 WT选用本公司专有的具有出色的抗热和抗氧化能力的合成基础油。。 先进的复合锂基增稠剂技术和特种添加剂有助于强化美孚 SHC 润滑脂 460 WT性能,提供以下优点和特性:
美孚 SHC 润滑脂 460 WT是一种 NLGI 1.5级的极压润滑脂,采用 ISO VG 460 合成基础油,适用于在严苛环境中运行的风力发电机。 该产品对重负荷的,在低速至中速运行并必须胜任耐水作业的轴承提供出色的保护。 美孚 SHC 润滑脂 460 WT符合大多数风力发电机制造厂及部件供应商的规格。无论是手工涂脂或采用集中供脂系统或润滑脂加注器,该产品对偏航、变浆和主轴承的润滑均呈现出色的性能。 推荐作业温度范围为-30º C至 150ºC。
Mobil SHC™ Grease 460 WT
High Performance Synthetic Grease for Wind Turbines

Product Description
Mobil SHC™ Grease 460 WT is a superior performance lubricant especially suited to exceed the demanding requirements of wind turbine applications at extremes of temperature. The unique features of synthetic base fluids are combined with those of a high quality lithium complex thickener. The wax-free nature of synthetic fluids and the low coefficient of traction provide excellent low temperature pumpability and very low starting and running torque. The lithium complex thickener contributes excellent adhesion, structural stability and resistance to water. The grease has a high level of chemical stability and is formulated with special additive combinations to provide excellent protection against wear, rust and corrosion at high and low temperatures.
Mobil SHC Grease 460 WT is specially formulated to lubricate yaw, pitch and main bearings of wind turbines and has become the first fill product of choice for many wind turbine builders and component suppliers. The reputation is based on its exceptional quality and reliability and has proven outstanding performance in more than 10,000 wind turbines worldwide.
Features and Benefits
The Mobil SHC™ brand of oils and greases are recognized and appreciated around the world for their innovation and outstanding performance. A key factor in the development of ExxonMobil´s products was the close contacts with key Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to ensure that our product offerings would provide exceptional performance in the continually evolving industrial equipment designs.
Our work with equipment builders has helped confirm the results from our own laboratory tests showing the exceptional performance of Mobil SHC Grease 460 WT. Compared to conventional greases the benefits of this synthetic grease include longer grease life, enhanced false brinelling protection and bearing life, wide temperature range of application, and the potential for improved mechanical efficiency.
To combat severe application conditions proprietary synthetic base oils have been chosen for Mobil SHC Grease 460 WT because of their outstanding thermal/oxidative resistance potential. A state-of-the-art lithium complex thickener technology and specific additives help to enhance the performance of Mobil SHC Grease 460 WT offering the following features and benefits:
Advantages and Potential Benefits
Outstanding high temperature and low temperature performance compared to conventional greases
Wide application temperature ranges, with excellent protection at high temperatures and low torque, easy start-up at low temperatures
Superb thermal stability and oxidation resistance compared to conventional greases
Extended service life with longer intervals between relubrication and improved bearing life
Excellent protection against wear, rust and corrosion
Reduced downtime and maintenance costs
Excellent pumpability
Reliable lubrication of bearings using centralized grease systems or grease dispensers
Outstanding structural stability in the presence of water
Retains excellent grease performance in hostile aqueous environment
Low traction coefficient
Synthetic formulation delivers potential improved mechanical life and reduced energy costs versus conventional greases
Mobil SHC Grease 460 WT is an NLGI 1.5 Grade extreme pressure grease with ISO VG 460 synthetic base fluid recommended for tough wind turbine applications. It provides outstanding bearing protection under heavy loads at low-to-moderate speeds and in applications where water resistance is a critical factor. Mobil SHC Grease 460 WT meets most specifications of wind turbine builder and component suppliers and has demonstrated outstanding performance in applications such as lubrication of yaw, pitch and main bearings either manual greased or using centralized grease systems or grease dispensers. The recommended operating temperature range is -30º C to 150ºC.
Specifications and Approvals
Mobil SHC Grease 460 WT meets or exceeds the requirements of:
DIN 51825: (2004-06)
Typical Properties
Mobil SHC Grease 460 WT
NLGI Grade
Thickener Type
Lithium Complex
Colour, Visual
Penetration, Worked, 25ºC, ASTM D 217
Dropping Point, ºC, ASTM D 2265
Viscosity of Oil, ASTM D 445 cSt @ 40ºC
Timken OK Load, ASTM D 2509, lb.
4-Ball Weld, ASTM D 2596, Load, Kg
Water Washout, ASTM D 1264, Loss at 79ºC. % wt
Rust Protection, ASTM D 6138, Distilled Water
Corrosion Protection, ASTM D 1743, Rating
Health and Safety
Based on available information, this product is not expected to produce adverse effects on health when used for the intended application and the recommendations provided in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) are followed. MSDS's are available upon request through your sales contact office, or via the Internet. This product should not be used for purposes other than its intended use. If disposing of used product, take care to protect the environment.
The Mobil logotype, the Pegasus design, Mobil SHC (and any other trademarks) are trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation, or one of its subsidiaries.