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产品展示 >> Mobil WYROL B 220,320,460,2200低染色轴承油
Mobil WYROL B 220,320,460,2200低染色轴承油详细说明 (浏览1132次)



威B系列是低染色轴承油设计用于在铝冷轧米尔斯。它们是使用选择矿物基础油,一种聚合物增稠剂和性能增强添加剂配制而形成的。如果传统的油污染铝辊油作为泄漏的结果,染色问题,有时会经历对成品铝退火后。威B油减少这样的问题,因为石油是在退火过程中的铝片取出。他们有很好的耐磨性和保护重负荷轴承的损坏和磨损。威B油还具有良好的氧化稳定性和防腐性能。Wyrol B符合美国FDA规定21 CFR 178.3910(一)“金属制品”的制造使用的润滑油面是用于轧制铝箔或片状食品应用的库存。因此,他们可以被用来作为轴承流体在铝轧制米尔斯,其中生产的产品,如铝箔作为食品包装材料。
铝轧制油在轴承系统中的泄漏导致轴承油粘度的降低。在这种情况下,威B 2200,一个特殊的浓缩液,可用于调节辊油粘度污染轴承油至要求的水平。


Bearing Oil

Product Description

WYROL B Series are low staining bearing oils designed for use in aluminium cold rolling mills. They are formulated using select mineral base oils, a polymeric thickener and performance enhancing additives. If conventional oils contaminate aluminium roll oils as a result of leakage, staining problems are sometimes experienced on the finished aluminium after annealing. WYROL B oils reduce this problem, as the oil is removed from the aluminium piece during the annealing process. They have good anti-wear characteristics and protect heavily loaded bearings from damage and wear. WYROL B oils also exhibit good oxidation stability and corrosion prevention properties. Wyrol B  conforms to U.S. FDA Regulation 21 CFR 178.3910(a) "Surface Lubricants used in the manufacture of metallic articles" is used for rolling of foil or sheet stock for food applications.. They therefore can be used as bearing fluids in aluminium rolling mills, which produce products such as foil for use as food packaging materials.


Features and Benefits

WYROL B oils are specifically designed to overcome the problems generated when conventional bearing lubricating oils contaminate the roll oils and result in finished product staining. They also provide very good lubrication characteristics to reduce wear and provide long service life.
WYROL B oils offer the following benefits:

  • Very low staining properties improve the production of acceptable materials
  • Reduced manpower costs for clean-up and lower scrapage rates
  • Good anti-wear characteristics increase bearing life
  • High oxidation stability increases oil service life



The leakage of aluminium roll oil into the bearing system results in the reduction of viscosity of the bearing oil. In such cases, WYROL B 2200, a special concentrate, may be used to adjust the viscosity of the roll oil-contaminated bearing oil to the required level.

  • Bearing lubrication in aluminium rolling applications
  • They are suitable for bath or mist lubrication systems


Specifications and Approvals

Wyrol B meets or exceeds the requirements of: 220 320 460 2200
FDA 21 CFR 178.3910(a) X   X X


Typical Properties

Wyrol B 220 320 460 2200
ISO Viscosity Grade 220 320 460 2200
Viscosity, ASTM D 445        
cSt @ 40ºC 220 320 460 2200
Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270 160 160 160 160
Ash, wt%, ASTM D 482 Max 0.005 Max 0.005 Max 0.005 Max 0.005
Neutralization Number, mg KOH/g, ASTM D 974 Max 0.8 Max 0.8 Max 0.8 Max 0.8
Pour Point, ºC, ASTM D 97 Max -12 Max -12 Max -12 Max -12
Flash Point, ºC, ASTM D 93 Min 116 Min 116 Min 130 Min 130


上一产品: Mobil TERESSTIC 32,46,68,77,100,150,220,320,460美孚特力索系列循环油
下一产品: Mobil Vacuoline 525,528,533,537,546,548美孚威格力循环油

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地址:广东省深圳市宝安区西乡街道航城工业区8栋三楼 邮箱 联系人:吴小姐 手机:15112577528 