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产品展示 >> 美孚Pyrogard D高性能水基液压液
美孚Pyrogard D高性能水基液压液详细说明 (浏览1117次)
美孚Pyrogard D


美孚Pyrogard D是一种高性能水基液压液的设计满足了经济型抗燃液压油在一般工业应用的要求。它由一个油相围绕细分散的水滴均匀地分散在整个混合物。这保证了只有油相,不是水,接触和润滑运动部件,从而最大限度地减少磨损。这种倒置的乳液有一个更高的粘度比传统的油在水乳剂。所使用的添加剂系统提供了一个高水平的磨损保护和耐腐蚀和形成的牙龈和树脂。
美孚Pyrogard D来自其水含量的耐火性能。即使当液喷在压力超过200 bar / 3000磅的柴油机喷油器为丙烷火焰,它不会点燃。该乳剂是非常稳定的,在正常存储过程中,将表现出很少的水分离,只有少量的油分离。温和的搅拌或正常的服务通常会返回任何分离的油的乳液。该乳液具有白色的外观,它突出了点的泄漏,使他们能够及时修复,以尽量减少流体损失。
它的多功能性和出色的业绩记录,使美孚Pyrogard D用户之间选择的流体。


美孚Pyrogard D是一个品牌的抗燃液压油提供了出色的服务,在世界范围内的重要成员,在最苛刻的应用。美孚Pyrogard D是液压设备制造商共同开发出满足其抗火性能和润滑性能的关键要求的应用需求。Pyrogard D提供了以下好处:


当灌装美孚Pyrogard D成一个系统,以前使用的石油液体或水/乙二醇型流体,它的系统彻底清理之前推出新产品的关键。而美孚Pyrogard D与氟橡胶和丁腈橡胶的相容性(腈),它不应该被用于丁基橡胶、皮革、天然橡胶、软木复合材料或纤维增强填料。
在4 C和55 Cºº之间的温度下操作,确保良好的性能。因为从产品的水分蒸发的可能性,不建议散装液体温度超过65ºC。水的含量是重要的,必须保持在最低限度的38%,以保持最佳的抗火性能。当水蒸发时,流体的粘度降低。增加水含量的增稠乳液的粘度增加的。这种特殊的水在油乳液的特性,使它更重要的是保持适当的水含量,以确保正确的粘度和耐磨保护,以及耐火性。在正常工作条件下,水的蒸发非常缓慢,水的补充,以恢复抗火,只需要在延长的时间间隔。
美孚Pyrogard D是推荐使用的液压系统,使用合适的齿轮,叶片或活塞泵的使用与接近火源。应遵守设备制造商的指示。它特别适用于钢铁米尔斯,矿山和压铸等工业应用。具体应用包括:


Mobil Pyrogard D

High Performance Water-based Hydraulic Fluid

Product Description

Mobil Pyrogard D is a high performance water-based hydraulic fluid designed to meet the requirement for economical fire-resistant hydraulic fluids in general industrial applications. It consists of an oil phase surrounding finely divided water droplets uniformly dispersed throughout the mixture. This ensures that only the oil phase, not the water, contacts and lubricates moving parts, thereby minimizing wear. Such inverted emulsions have a higher viscosity than conventional oil-in-water emulsions. The additive system used provides a high level of wear protection and resistance to corrosion and the formation of gums and resins.
The fire resistant properties of Mobil Pyrogard D derive from its water content. Even when the fluid is sprayed at a pressure of over 200 bar / 3000 psi from a diesel engine fuel injector into a propane flame, it will not ignite. The emulsions are extremely stable and, during normal storage, will exhibit very little water separation and only a minor amount of oil separation. Mild agitation or normal service usually will return any separated oil to the emulsion. The emulsion has a white appearance, which highlights points of leakage so that they can be repaired promptly to minimize fluid loss.
Its versatility and excellent performance record make Mobil Pyrogard D a fluid of choice among users.

Features and Benefits

Mobil Pyrogard D is an important member of a brand of fire-resistant hydraulic fluids that have provided outstanding service, worldwide, in the most demanding of applications. Mobil Pyrogard D was developed in conjunction with hydraulic equipment builders to meet the needs of applications in which fire-resistance properties and lubrication performance are key requirements. Pyrogard D offers the following benefits:

Features Advantages and Potential Benefits
Excellent Fire resistance Increased safety for personnel and plant
Antiwear characteristics comparable with good mineral antiwear oils Minimum pump and valve wear, less downtime
Good protection against rust, corrosion and oxidation Freedom from deposits on pump parts and screens; reduced maintenance
Excellent multi metal compatibility For use with a wide range of pump designs including steel, aluminum and copper alloy construction
Compatible with seal materials normally used in hydraulic systems Minimized change-over costs from mineral products
Resistant to bacterial and fungal activity Do not require special biocides or fungicides, except when introduced into an unusually dirty system
Emulsion has white appearance Highlights points of leakage for rapid repair and minimal fluid wastage


When filling Mobil Pyrogard D into a system that has previously used petroleum fluid or water/glycol type fluid, it is essential to clean the system thoroughly before introducing the new product. While Mobil Pyrogard D is compatible with both Viton and Buna N (nitrile) rubbers, it should not be used with butyl rubber, leather, natural rubber, cork composition materials or fabric-reinforced packing.
Operation at temperatures between 4ºC and 55ºC will ensure good performance. Because of the possibility of water evaporation from the products, bulk fluid temperatures above 65ºC are not recommended. The water content is important and must be maintained at a minimum of 38% to retain optimum fire resistance properties. As water evaporates, the viscosity of the fluid decreases. Increasing the water content thickens the emulsion and increases its viscosity. This peculiar characteristic of water-in-oil emulsions makes it doubly important to maintain the proper water content to ensure the correct viscosity and wear protection as well as fire resistance. Under normal operating conditions, water evaporation is very slow and water addition to restore fire resistance will only be necessary at extended intervals.
Mobil Pyrogard D is recommended for use in hydraulic systems using suitable gear, vane or piston pumps in applications with close proximity to sources of ignition. Equipment manufacturers' instructions should be observed. It finds particular application in steel mills, mines and die-casting and other industrial applications. Specific applications include:

  • Hydraulic shears, automatic welders, core machines, presses, trim presses and injection molding machines
  • Continuous miners, conveyors and rock breakers
  • Die-casting machines, hoists

Typical Properties

Mobil Pyrogard D
Viscosity, ASTM D 445, cSt @ 40ºC 119
Pour Point, ºC, ASTM D 97 -30
API Gravity, ASTM D 287 21.5
Water plus Glycol content, ASTM D 95, wt-% 44
Color, visual White
Emulsion Stability, ASTM D 3707, 16 hrs @ 93ºC, Water/Oil Separation, vol% 1/4

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