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产品展示 >> Mobil EAL Arctic 15,22,32,46,68,100,220,22CC冷冻机油
Mobil EAL Arctic 15,22,32,46,68,100,220,22CC冷冻机油详细说明 (浏览1178次)
美孚EAL系列是高性能的环保意识(EAL),润滑油是全合成产品专为制冷压缩机和制冷系统的润滑,使用臭氧友好的HFC制冷剂。(HFCS是无氯产品在世界市场上替代含氯制冷剂)。他们还建议对二氧化碳的应用,用适当的油回到压缩机合适的相容性(典型的活塞式应用)。美孚EAL系列润滑油从专有合成Polyol Esters制定(POES)和独特的添加剂系统提供优异的润滑性,耐磨,化学稳定性和热稳定性,水解稳定性。他们与HFC制冷剂混溶,有一个广泛范围的HFCS明确的粘度/温度/压力的关系。性能的美孚EAL系列已被证明在一个广泛的制冷和空调系统是由许多主要的HFCs和压缩机和系统制造商在世界各地使用。



Mobil EAL Arctic Series

Refrigeration Oils

Product Description

Mobil EAL Arctic Series are high performance Environmental Awareness Lubricants (EAL) that are fully synthetic products designed specifically for the lubrication of refrigeration compressors and systems, using ozone-friendly HFC refrigerants. (HFCs are chlorine-free products replacing chlorine-containing refrigerants in the world market).They are also recommended for carbon dioxide applications, with appropriate miscibility for proper oil return to compressor (typically piston  type applications).   Mobil EAL Arctic Series oils are formulated from proprietary synthesized Polyol Esters (POEs) and a unique additive system to provide outstanding lubricity, wear protection, chemical and thermal stability, and hydrolytic stability. They are miscible with HFC refrigerants and have well-defined viscosity/temperature/pressure relationships with a widel range of HFCs. The performance of the Mobil EAL Arctic Series has been well documented with HFCs in a broad range of refrigeration and air conditioning systems and are used by many major compressor and system builders around the world.

Mobil EAL Artic Series are available in ISO Viscosity grades 15 to 220. They are recommended for use in household and commercial refrigeration and air conditioning systems where HFC or carbon dioxide refrigerants are used.


Features and Benefits

The Mobil EAL brand of lubricants are recognised and appreciated around the world for their compatibility with the environment and their excellent performance. The Mobil EAL Arctic Series of products were designed by our research scientists to complement the new generation of ozone-friendly refrigerants mandated by the Montreal Protocol and succeeding world-wide agreements. Development of these products symbolises our continuing commitment to use advanced technology to provide outstanding lubricant products. A key factor in the development of Mobil EAL Arctic Series of lubricants was our close contacts between our scientists and key compressor OEMs and system designers to ensure that our product offerings will provide exceptional performance in a wide range of applications.

This work in combination with our lab testing has helped confirm the exceptional performance of the Mobil EAL Arctic Series lubricants. This cooperative work allowed our scientists to design optimum synthetic POE structures for each viscosity grade in the product series and to develop an additive package to meet the stability and compatibility requirements for refrigeration applications

Mobil EAL Arctic Series oils offer the following features and potential benefits:

Features Advantages and Potential Benefits
Excellent high temperature stability Improved evaporator cleanliness, less unscheduled downtime and reduced maintenance costs
Well defined miscibility and P-V-T relationships with HFC refrigerants Assures high system efficiency and proper oil return in refrigeration system designs
Very good anti-wear properties Reduced compressor wear resulting in lower maintenance costs
High Viscosity Index and wax-free Excellent low temperature fluidity, no waxy deposits and improved evaporator efficiency
Wide viscosity range Can meet specific viscosity requirements of a wide range of equipment and applications



Application considerations: Mobil EAL Arctic Series oils are hygroscopic and care must be taken to avoid moisture absorption during handling. Packages should be tightly closed when not in use, and small packaging preferred. Product should not be transferred to plastic containers that may allow moisture ingress.

Mobil EAL Arctic Series oils are recommended for refrigeration systems where HFC or carbon dioxide refrigerants are used. Specific applications include:

  • Household refrigeration such as refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners and heat pumps
  • Commercial refrigeration applications such as business, shopping mall and hotel air conditioning, and low temperature transportation
  • Industrial applications such as food preparation and freezing, as well as cryogenic applications


Typical Properties

Mobil EAL Arctic Series 15 22 22 CC 32 46 68 100 220
ISO Viscosity Grade 15 22 22 32 46 68 100 220
Viscosity, ASTM D 445                
cSt @ 40º C 15.9 23.2 24 34.2 49.2 68.0 105.0 226
cSt @ 100º C 3.6 4.6 4.8 5.8 7.3 8.7 11.6 18.5
Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270 108 130 129 115 115 95 - 90
Pour Point, ºC, ASTM D 97 -60 -57 -54 -48 -42 -36 -30 -21
Flash Point, ºC, ASTM D 92 236 236 236 236 230 230 - 290
Specific Gravity @15º C, ASTM D 1298 1.02 1.00 0.991 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.96 0.96

上一产品: Mobil EAL Arctic 22cc美孚EAL Arctic 22cc @¥##¥#%¥%&
下一产品: Mobil Gargoyle Arctic SHC 224,228,230,234,226E美孚佳高冷冻机油

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地址:广东省深圳市宝安区西乡街道航城工业区8栋三楼 邮箱 联系人:吴小姐 手机:15112577528 