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产品展示 >> Mobilarma 522,524,525美孚拉玛500系列防锈油
Mobilarma 522,524,525美孚拉玛500系列防锈油详细说明 (浏览1169次)

Mobilarma 522 ,Mobilarma 524,Mobilarma 525




Mobilarma 500 Series

Rust Protection Lubricants

Product Description

Mobilarma 500 Series oils are premium performance products primarily intended as run-in or lay-up lubricants, which provide effective rust preventive films on the internal surfaces of machinery. They are particularly suitable as run-in lubricants for diesel and gasoline engines. The oils displace water from metal surfaces and form strong water-resistant films on the metal surfaces to prevent rust and corrosion. The Mobilarma Series oils absorb the water in systems into a water-in-oil emulsion so that the contact surfaces of the machinery still get satisfactory lubrication. Their high level of chemical stability and their anti-wear and detergent properties make them suitable as high quality short-term lubricants.
In most applications, the residual rust preventive films need not be flushed away when the assembly is filled with lubricating oil or hydraulic fluid and put back in service. However, flushing with a charge of lubricating oil to remove the Mobilarma product or its residual film, is recommended if:
1. The Mobilarma does not provide the required lubricant characteristics to operate the equipment at rated loads and temperatures
2. Draining of the equipment is difficult and considerable pockets of the Mobilarma cannot be easily removed
3. Contamination of the system oil by the Mobilarma could reduce the lubrication performance characteristics (examples; Mobilarma could increase Freon cloud points in compressors or water-in-oil emulsions reduce anti-wear characteristics in high pressure hydraulic systems)
4. Presence of the rust preventive agents reduces the ability of the new oil to separate water in turbine and similar equipment.

Features and Benefits

The Mobilarma 500 Series oils provide an excellent lubricant that also acts as a rust preventive. This allows safe lay-up of equipment that will not be used immediately but may be operated intermittently at low to moderate loads for short periods of time. These products provide excellent rust preventive performance reducing any potential damage that could otherwise occur in non-operating equipment. This saves clean-up and potential rigorous flushing procedures prior to placing the equipment back in service.

Features Advantages and Potential Benefits
Excellent Rust and Corrosion Protection High level protection against rust during seasonal lay-ups
Reduced clean-up time required to place equipment back into production
Displaces water from metal surfaces and form tenacious protective films
Effective Anti-Wear Properties Protects equipment against wear
Dual Purpose Lubricant/Rust-Preventive Nature Reduced costs and time for run-in, testing or adjustment procedures
Eliminates unnecessary flushing and draining steps


  • Run-in oil and lay-up oil for engines and industrial equipment
  • Turbines that will be out of service for long periods
  • Hydraulic systems where water is present and the formation of emulsions will not effect operation
  • Test calibration oil

Typical Properties

Mobilarma 500 Series 522 524 525
Viscosity, ASTM D 445      
cSt @ 40º C 28.8 88.4 53.5
cSt @ 100º C 5.0 10.5 8.7
Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270 95 95 100
Pour Point, ºC, ASTM D 97, max -24 -18 -36
Flash Point, ºC, ASTM D 92, min 182 218 198
Density @ 15.6º C, Calculated, lbs/gal 7.3 7.36 7.33

下一产品: Mobilmet 440美孚美特400系列

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