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产品展示 >> Mobilgard 570
Mobilgard 570详细说明 (浏览1370次)

Mobilgard™ 570

Cylinder oil designed to optimise the performance of two-stroke marine diesel engines operating on heavy fuel oil with a sulphur content of up to 3.5%.

It has been proven to help marine operators save costs by extending piston overhaul intervals and optimising feed rates*.

Excellent anti-wear properties
Mobilgard 570 has been engineered to provide excellent anti-wear properties to help extend piston ring and liner life, and deliver outstanding deposit control to keep pistons and rings clean.

Suitable for the majority of engines in operation today
Mobilgard 570 is suitable for use in the majority of engines in operation today and can help protect engines that are susceptible to low levels of ‘cold corrosion’.

Maximise cost savings
In combination with the Mobilgard™ Cylinder Condition Monitoring programme, Mobilgard 570 is proven to help operators reduce costs and increase vessel reliability*.
OEM Approvals
Mobilgard 570 has received No Objection Letters from:

  • MAN Diesel & Turbo
  • Wärtsilä
  • Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

Download the Mobilgard 570 fact sheet >> 

*When compared with a standard 70 BN cylinder oil and no/limited scrape down oil analysis

Mobilgard 570  
SAE Grade 50
Specific Gravity at 15ºC 0.937
Flash Point, ºC, ASTM D 92 256
Pour Point, ºC, ASTM D 97 -9
Viscosity, ASTM D 445  
cSt, at 40ºC 222
cSt, at 100ºC 20
Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270 104
TBN, mg KOH/g, ASTM D 2896 70

上一产品: Mobiltrans HD 10W,30,50,60 ¥#¥@¥#@……%¥@@……¥#
下一产品: Mobilgard 525

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