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产品展示 >> Castrol Tribol 878/460,Castrol Tribol878/460
Castrol Tribol 878/460,Castrol Tribol878/460详细说明 (浏览1461次)
Castrol Tribol 878
Food Machinery Oils
Rated H1, Tribol 878 Food Machinery Oils are a series of high performance, general-purpose food grade
lubricants. The Tribol 878 Food Machinery Oils are part of Castrol Performance Lubricants’ Eco-Solutions product
line. Formulated to address environmental concerns the Tribol 878 Series is free of lead, zinc, antimony, barium
and solvents of any kind.
Available in ISO viscosity grades 32, 68, 150 and 460, Tribol 878 oils have been reviewed by the U.S. Department
of Agriculture and authorized for use where incidental contact with food is possible. All grades of 878 Food
Machinery Oil qualifies as antiwear (AW) machine oils suitable for hydraulics. The Tribol 878 Series also passes
12 stages on the FZG Test, indicating excellent EP capability in gear applications.
Tribol 878 Oils find applications in blow molding equipment for plastic containers, can makers, conveyors, food
processing equipment, and machines for assembling and filling food packages. Tribol 878 can be used to lubricate
plain and antifriction bearings as well as for general food machinery applications such as spindles, cams, chains,
gears and slides.
The product is also for use in reciprocation and rotary compressors for plant air production.
Tribol 878/32 is particularly well suited for use in air-line oilers serving pneumatic cylinders and systems.
The base fluid for Tribol 878 Food Machinery Oil is a U.S.P. white petroleum oil. All high performance additives
comply with sections performance additives comply with sections 178.3570 and 178.3620 of the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act Regulations. Specifically, these ingredients include:
Antiwear agents to protect loaded bearing surfaces.
Oxidation inhibitors to prolong service life and minimize oil deterioration – even at elevated temperatures.
A foam inhibitor to minimize air entrainment, foaming, and possible oil migration.
The advanced, high performance formulation of Tribol 878 offers substantially better stability and antiwear
characteristics then U.S.P. white oils commonly used as food machinery lubricants because of their purity. In
service, 878 can provide more continuous hours of service in bakery, beverage bottling, brewery, cannery, dairy,
and other food industry applications than conventional white oils.
Page 1 / 3 10 June 2010, Version 1Typical Characteristics
Page 2 / 3 10 June 2010, Version 1Additional Information
A slight haze (translucence) caused by trace amounts of additive may be noticeable. This haze has no effect on
product performance.
For specific terms, conditions, warranty and availability, refer to Castrol Performance Lubricants’ Price list in effect
at time of purchase.
Castrol, Tribol, and the Castrol logo are trademarks of Castrol Limited, used under licence
This data sheet and the information it contains is believed to be accurate as of the date of printing. However, no warranty or
representation, express or implied, is made as to its accuracy or completeness. Data provided is based on standard tests under
laboratory conditions and is given as a guide only. Users are advised to ensure that they refer to the latest version of this data
It is the responsibility of the user to evaluate and use products safely, to assess suitability for the intended application and to
comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Material Safety Data Sheets are available for all our products and should be
consulted for appropriate information regarding storage, safe handling, and disposal of the product. No responsibility is taken by
either BP plc or its subsidiaries for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere
to recommendations, or from hazards inherent in the nature of the material. All products, services and information supplied are
provided under our standard conditions of sale. You should consult our local representative if you require any further
Castrol Limited, Pipers Way, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 1RE, UK

上一产品: Mobil SHC Cibus 32 HT经NSF H1认证的传热油
下一产品: Castrol Tribol 878/150,Castrol Tribol878/150

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