产品展示 >> Castrol Tribol 3020/100-2,Castrol Tribol3020/100-2合成润滑脂 |
Castrol Tribol 3020/100-2,Castrol Tribol3020/100-2合成润滑脂详细说明 (浏览1491次)
Castrol Tribol® 3020/1000 Greases Castrol Tribol 3020/1000 Greases with TGOA® were designed for very heavy duty service in adverse environments. Through their formulation and advanced TGOA additive system, they are able to withstand the shock and heavy loading commonly found in the processing of primary metals as well as in cement, construction, and mining industries. The TGOA additive package out-performs all other EP and antiwear additives because of its unique action on frictional surfaces. Description Castrol Tribol 3020/1000 Greases with TGOA have a lithium soap thickener. The base oils are high viscosity petroleum oils forming a stable lube film to withstand high continuous loads, shock loads, and vibrations. The TGOA additive package is activated by high specific loads and corresponding temperatures causing a chemical-physical reaction. This results in an equalization of surface roughness without creating abrasion. The results of the TGOA additive can be compared with a rolling process in the micro-range. The surface roughnesses are gradually leveled and smoothed. Through smoothing of the working surfaces, the loads are distributed over increasing areas and the actual load-bearing areas are enlarged. During the running-in process, the TGOA additive package creates an optimum of smooth contact surfaces. If, because of shock loads or stop-and-go operation, surface roughness peaks redevelop, the TGOA additive package is automatically reactivated. Surface roughness is again equalized and lubrication optimized. Corrosion and oxidation inhibitors maximize effective rust protection and long grease life. Applications Typical applications for Castrol Tribol 3020/1000 Greases are in ball and roller bearings, bushings, slides, couplings (with the exception of high precision Castrol Industrial Americas 150 W. Warrenville Road Naperville, IL 60563 Tel (877) 641 1600 Fax (877) 986 6447 Castrol Tribol 3020 1000 – 12-Apr-04 Page 1 of 3Product Data couplings), and general lubrications, especially where loads may be quite high and speeds low. Application of Castrol Tribol 3020/1000 Greases may be made manually with grease guns or automatic dispensing systems. Advantages Castrol Tribol 3020/1000 Greases offer optimum protection and long life to seals, as well as forming a protective barrier in damaged seals. Reduced friction due to the effect of the TGOA additives is most evident under boundary and mixed-film lubrication conditions. This benefit is most pronounced where frequent start up, slow speeds, or high and unexpected loads are encountered. Overall savings are derived from the above and result from less labor and downtime, smoother, more efficient operation with longer parts life, and extended lubrication cycles. Notes Castrol Tribol 3020/1000 Greases with TGOA should not be mixed with greases using a different thickener. Relubrication intervals should be increased gradually to insure complete removal of previous lubricant and to use the TGOA additives to their full advantages. For specific terms, conditions, warranty, and availability, refer to the Castrol Performance Lubricants’ Price List in effect at time of purchase. Castrol Industrial Americas 150 W. Warrenville Road Naperville, IL 60563 Tel (877) 641 1600 Fax (877) 986 6447 Castrol Tribol 3020 1000 – 12-Apr-04 Page 2 of 3Castrol Industrial Americas 150 W. Warrenville Road Naperville, IL 60563 Tel (877) 641 1600 Fax (877) 986 6447 Castrol Tribol 3020 1000 – 12-Apr-04 Page 3 of 3 Product Data Typical Characteristics 3020/1000-0 3020/1000-1 3020/1000-2 NLGI Grade 0 1 2 Worked Penetration, ASTM D 217, mm/10 355-385 310-340 265-295 Thickener Type Lithium Lithium Lithium Dropping Point, ASTM D 2265, °C/°F NA 177/350 177/350 Base Fluid Properties: Viscosity, ASTM D 445, D 2161: @ 40°C, cst 1000 1000 1000 @ 100°C, cSt 56 56 56 @ 100°F, cSt/SUS 1163/5400 1163/5400 1163/5400 @ 210°F, cSt/SUS 58/271 58/271 58/271 Viscosity Index 108 108 108 Flash Point, ASTM D 92, °C/°F 229/445 229/445 229/445 Pour Point, ASTM D 97, °C/°F -23/-10 -23/-10 -23/-10 Oxidation Stability, ASTM D 942: Pressure drop @ 100 hrs, psi/kPa 5/34 5/34 5/34 Water Washout, ASTM D 1264 at 79°C/175°F, % of loss N/A 4.0 4.0 Rust Prevention Properties, ASTM D 1743 pass pass pass Emcor Rust Test, ASTM D6138, IP 220/85, Rating 0/0 (pass) 0/0 (pass) 0/0 (pass) Roll Stability, ASTM D 1831, % change 8 6 5 Oil Separation, ASTM D 1742, % 1.7 1.7 0.8 Timken, EP Test, ASTM D 2509, OK Value, kg/lbs 23/50 23/50 23/50 Four Ball EP Test, ASTM D 2596, Weld Load, kg 400 400 400 SRV Test, 20°C, 400 N, 2 hrs Amplitude 100µ, Frequency 50 Hz, µ 0.05 0.05 0.05 Subject to usual manufacturing tolerances. All reasonable care has been taken to ensure that this information is accurate as of the date of printing. Nevertheless, such information may be affected by changes in the blend formulation occurring subsequent to the date of printing. Material Safety Data Sheets are available for all Castrol products. The MSDS must be consulted for appropriate information regarding storage, safe handling and disposal of a product