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MOBILMarcolŃ82/MOBIL MarcolŃ82/MOBIL Marcol Ń82/美孚MOBILMarcol Ń82详细说明 (浏览1436次)

MOBILMarcolŃ82/MOBIL MarcolŃ82/MOBIL Marcol Ń82/美孚MOBILMarcol Ń82

用途Marcol N 82是一种纯化的液态饱和烃的混合物。它是一种无色,透明油状液体,基本上是无嗅,无味的。它是从石油,经过若干炼制阶段,包括最后的催化加氢提纯。MARCOL N 82包含5 ppm的食品级α-生育酚(维生素E)作为氧化抑制剂。 MARCOL N 82的生产超过了药典对纯度的要求。由于其出色的化学惰性,它演示了更好的色彩稳定性和氧化稳定性比大多数矿物油和植物油,在受控条件下存放和使用时, 根据埃克森美孚的产品质量管理体系进行生产和控制ExxonMobil白油,EN ISO 9000或同等标准。



MARCOL N 82可以用在各种食品接触,化妆品及药品的应用程序(*),适用法律和法规在每个国家(**)(*)要限制摄入和吸入危险,MARCOL N 82不应该使用在鼻腔,口腔或嘴唇的保养品,或作为食品添加剂以外的食品接触材料。(**)用户必须检查是否符合适用法规




N 82 MARCOL被广泛用作化妆品种类繁多的一个组成部分:

N 82 MARCOL制定专家提供了许多实用的优点:



:N 82 MARCOL提供一个高水准的安全性,由于其纯度高(无有毒的多环芳香烃,重金属),完全破坏细菌在高温生产过程和具体包装和处理程序。 MARCOL N 82是医药外用药膏和凡士林成分。它可以被用来作为造粒助剂,并在明胶胶囊的制造。


MARCOL N 82符合以下规格的要求:

美国FDA 21 CFR 172.878(*)和21 CFR 178.3620(一),白矿油
(*)提供的信息仅供参考,MARCOL N 82不应该被用来作为食品添加剂以外的其他食品接触 (**)MARCOL N 82不符合欧洲药典轻液体石蜡定义由于添加氧化抑制剂。






财产 测试方法 典型 最小 最大
外形 视觉的  - 清晰和明亮 清晰和明亮
气味 嗅觉  - 缺席 缺席
颜色,赛波特 ASTM D 156  - + 30  -
运动粘度@ 40ºC,平方毫米/秒 ASTM D 445  - 14.5 17.5
运动粘度@ 100ºC,平方毫米/秒 ASTM D 445 3.7  -  -
动态粘度@ 20℃,毫帕 计算  - 27 37
密度@ 15ºC,千克/立方米 ASTM D 4052   845 858
密度@ 20ºC,千克/立方米 ASTM D 4052   842 855
倾点,℃ ASTM D 97  -  -  - 6
闪点,℃ ASTM D 92  - 182  -
折光指数,ND²º ASTM D 1218   1.464 1.470
碳的类型%和石蜡/环/芳香 ASTM D 2140 65/35/0  -  -









新加坡098633 +65 6885 5000




Marcol N 82
Medicinal grade White Oil
Product Description
Marcol N 82 is a purified mixture of liquid saturated hydrocarbons. It is a colourless, transparent oily liquid and is essentially odourless and tasteless. It is obtained from petroleum through several refining stages, including an ultimate purification by catalytic hydrogenation. Marcol N 82 contains 5 ppm food-grade alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) as an oxidation inhibitor.

Marcol N 82 is manufactured to exceed the purity requirements of the Pharmacopoeias. Due to its superior chemical inertness, it demonstrates better colour and oxidative stability than most mineral and vegetable oils, when stored and used under controlled conditions.

ExxonMobil White Oils are produced and controlled according to the ExxonMobil Product Quality Management System, EN ISO 9000 or equivalent standard.


Marcol N 82 can be used in a variety of food-contact, cosmetic and pharmaceutical applications (*), subject to the applicable laws and regulations in each country (**).

(*) To limit ingestion and aspiration hazards, Marcol N 82 should not be used in nasal, oral or lip care products, or as a food additive other than for food contact materials.

(**) User must check compliance with applicable regulations



Marcol N 82 is widely used as a component of a great variety of cosmetic products:

Emollients and moisturisers (cleansing oils and milks, body lotions and creams, suntan lotions and milk, make-up powders)
Baby products (shampoos, baby oils, bath oils)
Hair care products (hot oil treatments, gels, scalp pomades)
Neutral and protective diluents for other cosmetic ingredients such as essential oils
Other applications such as bath cubes, anti-perspirant and deodorant sticks.
Marcol N 82 provides many practical advantages to the formulation specialist:

Excellent skin compatibility, very low irritancy and no comedogenicity
Very good balance between resistance to bacteria and final biodegradability, with minimal environmental impact.


Marcol N 82 offers a high level of safety, thanks to its high purity (absence of toxic polycyclic aromatics, heavy metals), the complete destruction of germs in the high temperature manufacturing process, and specific packaging and handling procedures.

Marcol N 82 is an ingredient of pharmaceutical topical ointments and petroleum jellies. It can be used as a pelletiser aid, and in the manufacture of gelatine capsules.


Properties and Specifications
Marcol N 82 meets the requirements of the following specifications:

USA FDA, 21 CFR 172.878 (*) and 21 CFR 178.3620(a), White Mineral Oil
The Japan's Specifications and Standards for Food additives, Liquid Paraffin (*)
National Sanitation Foundation (NSF), registration number : 132487
US Pharmacopeia/National Formulary , most recent edition, Light Mineral Oil monograph (**)
(*) Information provided for reference only, Marcol N 82 should not be used as a food additive other than food contact

(**) Marcol N 82 does not comply with the Light Liquid Paraffin definition of the European Pharmacopoeia due to the addition of an oxidation inhibitor.


CAS number: 8042-47-5

EINECS number: 232-455-8

INCI name (Europe): Paraffinum Liquidum

CTFA Dictionary name (USA): Mineral Oil

Property Test Method Typical Min Max
Appearance Visual - Clear and Bright Clear and Bright
Odour Olfactory - Absent Absent
Color, Saybolt ASTM D 156 - + 30 -
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40ºC, mm²/s ASTM D 445 - 14.5 17.5
Kinematic Viscosity @ 100ºC, mm²/s ASTM D 445 3.7 - -
Dynamic Viscosity @ 20 ºC, mPa.s Calculated - 27 37
Density @ 15 ºC, kg/m³ ASTM D 4052   845 858
Density @ 20 ºC, kg/m³ ASTM D 4052   842 855
Pour Point, ºC ASTM D 97 - - - 6
Flash Point, ºC ASTM D 92 - 182 -
Refractive Index, nD²º ASTM D 1218   1.464 1.470
Carbon Type, % and Paraffinic / Naphthenic / Aromatic ASTM D 2140 65 / 35 / 0 - -
Typical values may vary within modest ranges and specifications may be subject to change.


Health and Safety
Detailed health and safety information for this product is provided in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), available upon request through your local sales representative or from


Storage and Handling
Information can be found in the "Recommended Storage Conditions for Medicinal White oils" bulletin.


Further Information
ExxonMobil supplies a full range of white oils and other process oils and a full range of other lubricants, fuels and chemical products worldwide. Please contact your local ExxonMobil representative, or contact us at, for more information on other products.

The ExxonMobil logotype (and any other trademarks) are trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation or one of its subsidiaries.


ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Ltd
1 HarbourFront Place
#06-00 HarbourFront Tower One
Singapore 098633

+65 6885 5000

Every care has been taken in the preparation of this information. To the extent permitted by applicable law, all warranties and/or representations, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information are disclaimed, and no liability is accepted for the accuracy or completeness of the same.

Copyright © 2001-2013 Exxon Mobil Corporation. All rights reserved.

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