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产品展示 >> Castrol Alphasyn T46/ Castrol Alphasyn T 46
Castrol Alphasyn T46/ Castrol Alphasyn T 46详细说明 (浏览1447次)

 Castrol Alphasyn T
Product Data 
                                            ALPHASYN T RANGE 
                                               Synthetic Lubricating System Oil 
The Castrol Alphasyn T  range of high performance, fully synthetic lubricants is designed for use in 
central    lubricating   systems     and   gearboxes      operating    under   arduous     conditions   -   particularly   at 
elevated temperatures. 
Based      upon    synthetic    hydrocarbons,      these    products    exhibit   outstanding     thermal    stability  and 
resistance     to  oxidation,   excellent    viscosity/temperature      characteristics,    high   load   carrying   ability, 
outstanding water and air separation, low foaming tendency and exceptional rust protection.                        Castrol 
Alphasyn      T  was   originally   developed     in  ISO   150,   220   and   320   viscosity   grades    for  the  central 
lubrication    systems     of  paper-making       machines.      The     range    of  viscosities   available   has    been 
extended to ensure that a product is available for virtually every application where a lubricating oil is 
placed under extreme stress, from hydraulic systems (using Alphasyn T32 and 46) through to large, 
slow   moving   gears   where   Alphasyn   T680   would   be   used.         The   outstanding   oxidation   stability   of 
Alphasyn   T   grades   allows   oil   change   intervals   to   be   extended   in   circumstances   where   extreme 
operating     conditions    results   in  a  short   service   life  when    using   conventional     mineral    oil  based 
lubricants and can also allow demonstrable savings in more normal situations by reducing the level of 
maintenance required.         All products in the Alphasyn T range of lubricants have very low pour points 
and excellent viscosity/temperature characteristics, allowing their use in low temperature as well as 
high temperature applications. 
  FEATURES                                                BENEFITS 
  S Outstanding thermal stability and                     S Long oil life, reduction in downtime 
  resistance to oxidation. 
  S Medium load carrying ability,                         S Reduces energy loses 
  S Outstanding water and air separation                  S Can be used in wet environments 
  S Exceptional rust protection                           S Longer machine
 S Low foaming tendency                                  S Ensures constant lubricant flow 
  S Low Volatility                                        S Oil consumption due to evaporation reduced; 
                                                          viscosity does not increase in service 
  Castrol Alphasyn T is compatible with conventional seal materials and paints and is fully miscible 
  with mineral oil.  This allows conversion of existing systems without the need for equipment 
  modification or extensive flushing procedures as can be required with other types of synthetic 
  Does not attack concrete in the event of spillages. 
                                                                                      Wakefield House 
  Alphasyn T Range                                                                    Aspect Park 
  29/04/2004                                                                          Pipers Way 
  All reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this publication is accurate at the date of printing. It Swindon 
  should be noted however that the information may be effected by changes subsequent to the date of printing in the blend formulation 
  or methods of application of any of the products referred to or in the requirements of any specification approval relating to any such SN3 1RE 
                                                                                      United Kingdom 
                                                                                      Tel +44 (0)1793 452111 
                                                                                      Fax +44 (0)1703 486083 

     Product Data 
ISO Viscosity Grade                   -           32           46           68          150          220         320          460          680 
Kinematic Viscosity, cSt           IP226 
@ 0oC                              ASTM          245          385          650         1700         2500         5000         7300        13500 
@40oC                                             32           46           68          150          220         320          460          680 
@ 100oC                                           6.2         7.8          11.0          19          26           37           48           57 
Viscosity Index                    IP226          150         150          150          150          150          160         160          150 
  Relative Density @ 20 oC                      0.840        0.850        0.860        0.870        0.870       0.875        0.875        0.875 
Open Flash Point, oC                IP35         210          280          290          300          300         300          300          300 
Pour Point, oC                      IP15          -54         -48          -48          -36          -36          -33         -33          -21 
Foaming Tendency                   IP146 
Sequence 1 @ 24o C mis             ASTM           0/0         0/0          0/0          0/0          0/0          0/0         0/0          0/0 
Sequence 2 @ 93.5oC mis                          10/0         10/0         10/0         10/0        10/0         20/0         20/0        20/0 

Sequence 3 @ 24oC mis                             0/0         0/0          0/0          0/0          0/0          0/0         0/0          0/0 
NOACK Volatility, %                   -           12            3           3            2           2.0          2.0         2.0          2.0 
Water Separation                   ASTM 
@ 54oC, mins                                       5           10           15           -            -            -            -           - 
@ 82oC, mins                                       -            -           -            15          20           20           25          25 
Rust Prevention                    IP135B        Pass         Pass         Pass        Pass         Pass         Pass         Pass        Pass 
FZG Gear Test Failure Load         IP334          11           11           12          12+          12+          12+         12+          12+ 
4-Ball Wear Test, Weld Point,      IP239          140         140          150          160          180         230          250          260 
Wear Scar, mm                         - 
1 hr, 1800 rpm, 20kg load                        0.32         0.30         0.30         0.28        0.26         0.26         0.25        0.24 
                                                                                                    Wakefield House 
Alphasyn T Range                                                                                    Aspect Park 
29/04/2004                                                                                          Pipers Way 
All reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this publication is accurate at the date of printing. It Swindon 
should be noted however that the information may be effected by changes s

The Alphasyn T range is fully compatible with nitrile, silicone and fluropolymer seal materials.
Alphasyn T is classified as follows:
DIN Classification is CL
The Alphasyn T range meets the requirements of:
• DIN 51517 Part 2
• David Brown Type A
Good thermal and oxidative stability provides reliable operation and extended operating life when
compared to mineral oil based products.

Inherently high viscosity index (VI) makes the product suitable for operations operating over a wide
temperature range.

• Good anti-wear and load carrying abilities minimises gear wear and prolongs gear tooth life.
Reduced down time through water separation and demulsification characteristics resulting in prolonged
lubricant life and increased equipment reliability.

• PAO based lubricant that provides good compatibility with seals, paints and mineral oil based lubricants
Page 1 / 2 4 November 2008, Version 1
Typical Characteristics
Subject to usual manufacturing tolerances.

上一产品: Shell Omala S2 G 68-100-150-220-320-460-680-1000壳牌可耐压S2G系列齿轮油
下一产品: Castrol Alphasyn T46/ Castrol Alphasyn T 46

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