Multi-purpose lubricant for high-temperature applications
Product description
FOMBLIN AR 555 is a white, homogeneous long-term grease based on a perfluorinated polyether oil (PFPE) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).
Benefits for your application
For use at high operating temperatures up to 250 °C
For applications exposed to aggressive media
版有所有:深圳恒亿发润滑油有限公司 网址 粤ICP备2024355072号 地址:广东省深圳市宝安区西乡街道航城工业区8栋三楼 邮箱 联系人:吴小姐 手机:15112577528 深圳恒亿发润滑油有限公司专业经营各种品牌润滑油,有壳牌润滑油\美孚润滑油\嘉实多润滑油\加德士\道达尔\福斯润滑油\克鲁勃润滑油等。为用户提供满意的润滑油