castrol Syntilo 5705
23/02/2008 Fully Synthetic Soluble Cutting Fluid DESCRIPTION Castrol Syntilo 5705 is a completely synthetic metal working fluid which has been developed for use as a general purpose grinding medium for cast iron and steel. APPLICATION This product contains no mineral oil, phenols or sodium nitrite. It forms a clear, stable solution in both hard and soft waters. Castrol Syntilo 290 exhibits very good anti-corrosion properties coupled with a high resistance to bacterial attack. When changing over from conventional soluble oils, it is recommended that machine tool coolant circulation systems be thoroughly cleaned and sterilised. Castrol Syntilo 290 can be used for all grinding applications. Colour Clear, colourless pH (3% DIN 51 361) 9.2 Beeny Corrosion Test (3% DIN 51 360/2) 0/0 - 0 Relative Density @ 20ºC (concentrate) 1.09 Refractometer Correction Factor 1.5 Recommended Dilutions Surface Grinding, % 3-5 Castrol (U.K.) Limited, Pipers Way, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 1RE, England, Telephone: Orders/Enquiries (08459)645111, Technical Enquiries (01793)452111, Fax (01793)486083 Angaben unverbindlich. Technische Änderungen vorbehalten. 1 von