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产品展示 >> Castrol Spheerol TN高温润滑脂
Castrol Spheerol TN高温润滑脂详细说明 (浏览1270次)
Castrol Spheerol TN
Low temperature grease
Spheerol TN is a low temperature grease, especially developed to provide a strong adhesion to metal surfaces,
high resistance to water wash and an excellent corrosion protection.
Classification ISO 6743/4 : XE
• Lubrication of small automotive systems (door lock, windscreen wiper, window winder, …)
• Lubrication of universal joints and bearings (temp. < 100°C)
• Lubrication of all systems that require a adhesive grease in wet conditions
• Good corrosion protection
• Usable under low temperature conditions
• High adhesive properties
• High stability in wet conditions
• RENAULT approval T845200311
Typical Characteristics
Subject to usual manufacturing tolerances
Castrol, Spheerol, and the Castrol logo are trademarks of Castrol Limited, used under licence
This data sheet and the information it contains is believed to be accurate as of the date of printing. However, no warranty or
representation, express or implied, is made as to its accuracy or completeness. Data provided is based on standard tests under
laboratory conditions and is given as a guide only. Users are advised to ensure that they refer to the latest version of this data
It is the responsibility of the user to evaluate and use products safely, to assess suitability for the intended application and to
comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Material Safety Data Sheets are available for all our products and should be
consulted for appropriate information regarding storage, safe handling, and disposal of the product. No responsibility is taken by
either BP plc or its subsidiaries for any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use of the material, from any failure to adhere
to recommendations, or from hazards inherent in the nature of the material. All products, services and information supplied are
provided under our standard conditions of sale. You should consult our local representative if you require any further
Castrol Limited, Pipers Way, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 1RE, UK
Castrol Spheerol

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