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产品展示 >> Mobil 1 Synthetic Gear Lube LS75W-90
Mobil 1 Synthetic Gear Lube LS75W-90详细说明 (浏览1321次)

Mobil 1 Synthetic Gear Lube LS 75W-90 Mobil 1 Synthetic Gear Lube
LS 75W-90

Mobil 1™ Synthetic Gear Lube LS 75W-90 exceeds the most severe service requirements in both conventional and limited slip applications.
Mobil 1 Synthetic Gear Lube LS 75W-90

Mobil 1 Synthetic Gear Lube LS 75W-90 is a supreme performance, synthetic, multi-purpose, SAE 75W-90 automotive gear lubricant designed to meet the highest level of performance requirements of modern passenger vehicles in all types of operating conditions, including limited slip applications, as well as delivering outstanding power transfer performance.
Compared to conventional hypoid gear lubricants, Mobil 1 Synthetic Gear Lube LS 75W-90 performs exceptionally well over a wide range of temperatures. Mobil 1 Synthetic Gear Lube LS 75W-90 achieves this through a unique proprietary formulation that delivers optimized viscosity as a function of temperature properties together with the highest level of inherent formulation stability and protects against thermal and oxidative degradation, wear and corrosion, and viscosity loss associated with premature shearing. It also can be used in extended service and for aiding in fuel economy performance.
Mobil 1 Synthetic Gear Lube LS 75W-90 contains special friction modifiers designed for limited slip-type differentials. In most applications, the addition of special LS (limited slip) additives is not required. For axles requiring the highest level of limited-slip performance, OEM specific LS additives can be added to this fluid.

For more information, see the Mobil 1 Synthetic Gear Lube LS 75W-90 Product Data Sheetand the Material Safety Data Sheet.

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