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FUCHS RENOLIN ZAF B液压油详细说明 (浏览1570次)



Zinc- and Ash-Free HM Hydraulic Oils and CKC Lubricating Oils

Zinc- and Ash-Free HM Hydraulic Oils and CKC Lubricating Oils

Zinc-free hydraulic oils have steadily gained popularity over the last few years.
In many cases, the use of a zinc-free hydraulic oil is a must, especially in machine tools where hydraulic fluids can contaminate metalworking fluids. RENOLIN ZAF B hydraulic oils are zinc- and ash-free HM hydraulic oils complying with ISO 6743-4.

The most important features of RENOLIN ZAF B hydraulic oils are: 

  • Good oxidation stability and good resistance to ageing 
  • Powerful EP properties and very good wear protection 
  • Excellent corrosion protection 
  • Rapid air release and low foaming 
  • Good demulsification characteristics
  • Good compatibility with sealing materials

RENOLIN ZAF B products are high-grade HM hydraulic oils according to ISO 6743-4 which can be used in all hydraulic systems but also as CKC lubricating oils according to ISO 6743-6 in gearboxes, bearings and circulating systems. RENOLIN ZAF B products are recommended for use in machine tools where contact between hydraulic oils and metalworking fluids can take place.

RENOLIN ZAF   32 B 46 B 68 B  
Hydraulic oil type          
acc. to ISO 6743-4   HM 32 HM 46 HM 68  
acc. to DIN 51 502   HLP 32 HLP 46 HLP 68  
Lubricating oil type          
acc. to ISO 6743-6   CKC 32 CKC 46 CKC 68  
acc. to DIN 51 502   CLP 32 CLP 46 CLP 68  
Characteristics Unit       Test method
Colour   1 1 1 ASTM D 1500
Kinematic viscosity          
at 40 °C mm²/s 31.5 45 65.4 ASTM D 445
at 100 °C mm²/s 5.3 6.7 8.4 ASTM D 445
Viscosity index   98 101 98 ASTM D 2270
Density at 15 °C kg/l 0.878 0.878 0.885 ASTM D 1298
Flash point, Cleveland open cup °C 215 230 230 ASTM D 92
Pour point °C -30 -27 -21 ASTM D 97
Neutralization number mg KOH/g 0.3 0.3 0.3 ASTM D 974
Saponification number mg KOH/g 1.3 1.3 1.3 ASTM D 94
Water content % mass not traceable not traceable not traceable ASTM D 95
Insolubles % mass not traceable not traceable not traceable DIN 51 592
Demulsification min 10 10 15 DIN 51 599
Air release at 50 °C min 3 8 7 ASTM D 3427
seq. I ml 30/0 50/0 50/0 ASTM D 892 seq. I-III
seq. II ml 20/0 20/0 20/0 ASTM D 892 seq. I-III
seq. III ml 20/0 20/0 20/0 ASTM D 892 seq. I-III
Copper corrosion degree of corr. 1a-100A3 1a-100A3 1a-100A3 ASTM D 130
Rust prevention   pass A pass A pass A ASTM D 665
Ageing behaviour, increase in neutralization number after 1000 h mg KOH/g < 2 < 2 < 2 ASTM D 943
Brugger boundary friction test N/mm² 38 DIN 51 347 (D)    

上一产品: Mobilsol PM用于润滑系统的基于合成的清洁剂

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