产品展示 >> CASTROL ALPHASYN PG 150/220/320/460 |
CASTROL ALPHASYN PG 150/220/320/460详细说明 (浏览1599次)
Castrol Alphasyn PG460 详细说明 (浏览200次)
发布时间:2013-1-31 22:45:15 访问次数:71次
嘉实多Castrol Alphasyn PG全合成齿轮润滑油 产品说明 嘉实多Alphasyn PG全合成齿轮润滑油是基于聚乙二醇(PAG)全合成基础油,添加有抗氧剂,防锈剂和极压剂调合而成的热稳定性极好的优质润滑油。 产品应用 ·Alphasyn PG齿轮油主要应用在减磨涡轮的齿轮箱中,这种齿轮箱需要具有低摩擦系数PAG基础油来提高功率,减少能耗和降低操作温度。这在滑动摩擦润滑时尤其重要。 产品优点 ·低摩擦系数减少了能耗,降低了操作温度,故而延长了油品使用寿命。 ·与矿物油基的齿轮油相比,良好的热稳定性及抗氧化性提供了更可靠和更长效的操作稳定性 ·很好的粘温特性确保产品具有更宽使用温度范围 ·良好的承载性能和抗磨保护性能减少了维护成本 ·Alphasyn PG能够达到大多数要求应用PAG基齿轮油的OEM要求。
Alphasyn EP |
试验方法 |
单位 |
150 |
220 |
320 |
460 |
密度@20℃ |
ASTM D4052 |
Kg/l |
1.05 |
1.06 |
1.06 |
1.06 |
运动粘度@40℃ |
ASTM D445 |
cSt |
150 |
220 |
320 |
460 |
运动粘度@100℃ |
ASTM D445 |
cSt |
28 |
40 |
56 |
80 |
粘度指数 |
ASTM 2270 |
-- |
225 |
235 |
240 |
255 |
闪点(闭口) |
ASTM D92 |
℃ |
210 |
210 |
210 |
210 |
倾点 |
ASTM D97 |
℃ |
-39 |
-39 |
-36 |
-36 |
Product Data ALPHASYN PG RANGE Synthetic Industrial Extreme Pressure Gear Oil DESCRIPTION Castrol Alphasyn PG synthetic gear oils are based upon highly stable polyglycol base fluids, the properties of which are further enhanced by a complex additive system giving improvements in load carrying capacity, oxidation and thermal stability, allowing operation at high loads and continuous high temperatures. APPLICATION Alphasyn PG gear oils are primarily intended for use in worm reduction gear boxes, where the low coefficient of friction of the polyglycol base fluid gives improvements in efficiency and consequent reductions in power consumption and operating temperatures, particularly when operating at high loads. The stability of the synthetic base when compared to mineral oil also allows increased maintenance intervals and fluid life, reducing servicing costs. Alphasyn PG gear oils are available in ISO viscosity grades from 150 to 460. FEATURES BENEFITS S High load carrying capacity and S Reduced Maintenance outstanding wear protection S Low coefficient of friction S Reduced energy consumption and operating temperature S High viscosity index and low Pour S Wide operating temperature range and Point, Stable at high temperatures minimise or avoid pre-heating for cold (up to 140Deg C) starts S Excellent corrosion protection for gearboxes operating in humid environments Castrol Alphasyn PG Range Aspect Park 29/04/2004 Pipers Way All reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this publication is accurate at the date of printing. It Swindon should be noted however that the information may be effected by changes subsequent to the date of printing in the blend formulation or methods of application of any of the products referred to or in the requirements of any specification approval relating to any such SN3 1RE Products United Kingdom Tel +44 (0)1793 452111
Product Data ALPHASYN PG RANGE PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Castrol Alpha SP Range Alphasyn PG 150 Alphasyn PG 220 Alphasyn PG 320 Alphasyn PG 460 ISO Viscosity Grade 150 220 320 460 Kinematic Viscosity @ 40oC, cSt 150 220 320 460 @ 100oC, cSt 27.8 39.7 55.7 79.5 Viscosity Index 225 235 240 255 Relative Density @ 20oC 1.05 1.06 1.06 1.06 Pour Point, oC -39 -39 -36 -36 Air Release Value @ 75oC mins 12 12 12 12 Open Flash Point, oC 260 262 268 268 Foam Seq 1 Tendency/Stability, 30/Nil 30/Nil 30/Nil 30/Nil mls Rust Test, Distilled Water, Pass Pass Pass Pass IP135A Copper Corrosion, 3 hrs @ 1B 1B 1B 1B 100°C, IP154 4-Ball EP Test Weld Point, kg 225 230 235 240 4-Ball Wear Test 1 hr @ 30kg, 0.30 0.28 0.27 0.26 mm Timken OK Load, lbs 65 70 70 80 FZG Gear Test Failure Load 12+ 12+ 12+ 12+ Stage Pass MATERIALS COMPATIBILITY Alphasyn PG synthetic oils have different material compatibilities than mineral oils. The following are satisfactory:- - |